Friday, April 18, 2008

Required Reading

Getting up to speed...

Here's some reading to get you up to speed on the industry changes:

Let's start by overwhelming you with a bunch of reading. Most of you will skim through this, but those of you who are serious should read it all.

First of all, read Nicholas Carr’s book, “The Big Switch”. It’s an easy read and very well written. Thanks Nick!

Secondly, go to Google. Type in "Cloud Computing", click on the News tab. You will see new developments everyday. I would suggest you subscribe.

Thirdly, here are some significant articles and background information. Many of those you will see on Google are rehashes of these articles:

Wikipedia – Not the best definition I’ve heard, but it is a start. I personally like Bill Gate’s definition.

Bill Gates at CES – Many say that Microsoft’s struggle with Google and their pending purchase of Yahoo is all about Cloud Computing.

Google and the Wisdom of the Clouds – this is a great story and the subject of many follow-up articles.

Google and IBM in the clouds – New York Times

Amazon in the Clouds – Bigger than their retail business!

Next why clouds and advertising?
Google says so! – Eric Schmidt says, Cloud Computing and Marketing go hand-in-hand.”
This will be the subject of many things to come.


1 comment:

Kevin said...

STOP spamming me. I get 10 emails a day from you people and I've asked several times for it to STOP. I never asked for your spam as you claim.